Friday, July 15

2016 Mail Packet, Sneak Preview

The MAIL PACKET gets deliver'd to the ACASTA tomorrow while they are ashore at the Jane Austen Festival! Herein find a sneak preview of a few of the many excellent letters we rec'd this present year for inclussion in the packet. 

As you can see, it was another year of beautiful submissions from our friends and readers! We'd like to take a minute to thank those who contributed to the 2016 packet:

J. Miller
E. Rust
C. LeCours
A. Miller
K. Tolhurst
A. Leeds
J. Blalock
C. Nelson
J. Bernh
M. Moyles
T. Gerard
B. Mooney
S. Zahradka
S. Diatz

and Frank & Carol Jarboe for their special assistance in helping me print
this year's round of prize letters!

We are so pleased and honored by the interest you all showed and by the submitted pieces themselves. Without you, the mail packet project would be woefully empty. The Packet is slated to be delivered on Saturday, July 16th at the Jane Austen Festival. 

Keep watching participants, there's more to come!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh. Looks like a good haul this year - I spotted mine (and am very glad it reach'd you in time!)
