Tuesday, February 14

Official Wedding Pictures

Images taken by Lauren Stowell

The wedding photography contained in this post is placed here for your viewing only. They may not be copied or reproduced, in whole or in part for private or public use without expressly given consent from the happy couple.


  1. What lovely pictures that capture the joy and love in everyone's hearts! Congratulations and much happiness to Mr. (the Doctor) and Mrs!

  2. So beautiful. What a wonderful way to celebrate the start of life together.

  3. That looks amazing!!

    I must admit to being curious, though... When it came to the vows, did you go the full monty (as it were) and use the pre-1980 Prayer Book version that would have been used in the 1800s, or did you use a more modern version or write your own?

    1. Ours was from a mid 1700s bible per what would have been appropriate for the era. It was awesome. We didn't even kiss at the ceremony, or in the church itself. We kissed outside in from to the sword arch!

  4. Beautiful photographs, thanks for posting them. Congratulations to you both.
