I have posted this about in the past, but wanted to also publish it here for you fair readers...
My dear friends,
I write today you to tell you of my intentions for this coming year so as to spare you any confusion or frustration when next you encounter me. My intention is to remain as 'in character' as much as possible during my travels for the coming year.
There is no doubt in my mind that this will be difficult for me, but also for those around me; and I do not wish to alienate any of my friends or compatriots. Things will not be much different, I imagine, then they have been in the past... you've all met the Doctor during YOUR travels, and know the agreeable sort of fellow he can be.
I want to ask that you all help me to do this by not trying to 'snap me out of it' by mentioning a bunch of modern stuff to me whilst at an event. I believe that enough of you have my email address and are friends with me on various forums, message boards and social networking sites... that any out of character conversation can safely take place there at any time.
I tell you now that if you attempt to talk to the Doctor about movies, internet, cellphones and the like, he will be terribly confused, as any proper 1812/1813 gent SHOULD be.
I daresay I will go one step further and challenge YOU to give your interpretation and character some thought this winter. It's no fun if I don't have a few of you to play along!
Special thanks to everyone that has encouraged me (verbally & otherwise) to do this over the years, I look forward to the additional research that I need to do over the fall and winter to get me where I need to be... and the Doctor looks forward to meeting you in the year to come.
In particular, I'd like to point out several of the gentlemen who have inspired me the most in my efforts at 'first person'. When I first got started in reenacting, it was
Capt. Ebenezer Titus,
portrayed by Hermon Stainbrook that really got me into the mindset of becoming someone else. He did it so well that it was quite some time before it occurred to me that 'Capt. Titus' wasn't his real name. Then it was
Monsieur LeFarceur de Villevert, portrayed by Tim Nealeigh who really encouraged me along by introducing the idea that you didn't just have to be an 'old-timey' version of yourself while in character, and people would still enjoy what you were telling them. I didn't realize how much Tim's character had meant to me until he
announced to me this past May that he was retiring the French
Lace-Merchant. And last (but certainly not least)
President Lincoln, as portrayed by Dennis Boggs, who not only gave me some of the most valuable business advice I've ever gotten, but showed me that the character you portray can be effortless and a very natural extension of yourself.
Allow me to present my compliments to you and yours; and if, in any of your affairs, I can render you any acceptable service, I beg you will use that freedom with which I wish you to command, my friends,
Yr Humble & Most Obt Svt,
The Doctor