Friday, March 4

From the Medical Journal 3

Nathaniel Drury, aged 20
Carpenter's Mate;

Disease or hurt:
Cuts on and about the face

Taken ill, 19 September at Sea,
North American Station

Discharged to Duty, 20 September.

Mr. Drury was brought in after being found near senseless by his hammock. His face, neck and hands were bloody, cut and bruised in a manner that would seem to suggest that he had been in a fight, Drury is small and slight of frame and I have I heard reports that he is oft teased for his size. After applying plasters to his cuts, he came around enough for me to ply him with a little brandy to help him recover his wits. I attempted to discover the name or names of the men who had beaten him, Drury took the brandy, but refused to divulge the names of the men who had gotten a hold of him. He insisted that he had not been fighting, but instead had fallen down the steps from the Orlop. I reminded Mr. Drury that rendering himself unfit for service was a serious offense, but his story remain'd firm.

I have submitted my report about Drury's injuries with the Captain, with a personal suggestion to grant Drury leniency, as it is my belief that he is covering up for the true culprits in an attempt to prevent future beatings.

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