Thursday, August 9

A letter from Fort Niagara

From: Thomas Hurlbut, 
HM Sloop Royal George, 
Navy Bay, 
Upper Canada.

To: Sir James Rehme,
HMS Acasta,
At sea.

3rd August, 1813.

My Dear Sir James,

I must express my Appreciation for the Loan of several of your prime Seamen for the recent Exercise against Brother Jonathan at their stronghold at the Mouth of the Niagara River. The nature of the Operation as conceived by Commodore Yeo and General Prevost, required a significant Marine force to be landed on the unforgiving Beach at Niagara with precise Timing, thereby to take Advantage of the exposed Position of the US forces. Commodore Yeo detailed myself to be Responsible for this Element of the operation and, I can say with some measure of Pride, it went off Marvellously.

In the end, the fort was carried by storm, due in no small part to that played by the forces under my direct command

While I was aboard the Pennant vessel Auld Alliance, involved in directing the Naval forces and the landing of the Marines, your new 3rd Lieutenant, Lord William Fitzroy was in direct command of the Vessel itself and performed Admirably. I shall place his name in my report, urging that Sir James Yeo mention him in his Dispatch to the Admiralty. He seems to be a Promising young Officer and, if he manages to keep from having his Head knocked off by an enemy Ball, should go far.

However, Sir, not all I have to report is pleasant to hear. Due to the Desperate shortage of trained Seamen here on the Lakes, I fear I must ask that we Retain your men a while longer. I have no doubts but that you will receive Fresh drafts of Men from Britain long before we shall see a Soul here in the Interior. I am sorry, but I believe Commodore Yeo will issue Orders to that effect.

(I have arranged an exemption for Hollybass though. You may have him back.)

In the meanwhile, I wish you good Hunting on the Atlantic coast and hope that you fall in with one of the American frigates soon. I’ve no doubt but that your Ship will win a resounding Victory!

I am,

Your most Humble Servant,

Thomas Hurlbut,


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